How we work
We focus on providing data that are critical for decision-making and advocate for convergence of monitoring frameworks and reduction of the burden of reporting, particularly for the delivery of education services to support learning equity and inclusion.
We develop public goods including approaches, tools and guidelines that enable countries to strengthen monitoring and to report on internationally comparable indicators. We aim to provide accessible, cost effective and sustainable options.
We support peer learning, consensus and capacity building of Member States and relevant partners, including inclusive knowledge-sharing and standard-setting platforms such as the Technical Cooperation Group on the Indicators for SDG 4.
We work through partnerships and understand that our strength lies in brokering solutions through multistakeholder collaborations.
Within the Medium-Term Strategic objectives, the UIS’s work is centred around three major pillars. Capacity development is embedded in all three.

Key Resources
Theory of Change
Workplan and Results Framework
Key Results