What we deliver
- Data and metadata for 48 SDG indicators
- Global consensus and commitment on key decisions for measuring SDG 4 progress
- International classifications and standards
- Methodologies that reflect the priorities and contexts of countries at all stages of development
- Solutions to respond to emerging issues (e.g. measuring COVID-19 impact on education)
- Access to education-related data crucial for decision-making and policy needs
- Guidance and support to Member States and partners

UIS Data

UIS Brokerage

UIS Products

UIS Special Products
UIS Data
- Production
Producing policy-relevant high-quality data is the core business of the UIS. We produce data according to globally approved methodologies and standards, using statistics collected via UIS regular global surveys, aggregated from official sources and received from partner organizations.
The UIS Education database includes:
- information for all levels of education for more than 200 countries and territories
- 44 global and thematic indicators for SDGs related to education
- equity measures and parity indices, as well as disaggregated data (by sex, wealth, location, etc.), historical time series data and regional averages
- national and regional benchmarking commitments for 2025 and 2030
The UIS Science and Technology database features:
- statistics on two SDG 9 indicators, available for about 150 countries
The UIS Culture database has
- statistics on SDG Indicator 11.4.1
The UIS provides a variety of tools to access data crucial for decision-making and policy needs.
The Global Education Observatory is a gateway to education-related data aimed to meet the needs of national, regional and global stakeholders for easy access to information for decision-making to respond to priorities. It builds on existing data from a range of sources and gathers new information, ensuring an exchange of information to improve the monitoring of SDG 4 progress and relevant and emerging policy commitments.
The SDG 4 data browser: The UIS launched a new data browser for SDG 4 data in March 2022. The browser allows users to view data from 2000 to 2021 in easy-to-navigate dashboards by indicator or country.
- The Indicator Dashboard presents all available data for selected SDG 4 indicators for all countries.
- The Country Dashboard provides an overview of all SDG 4 targets and indicators for a selected country.
- The Data in Long Format Dashboard presents the data in long vertical format where every row is the value for a selected country, indicator and year.
UIS.Stat is a comprehensive, easy-to-use browser for viewing and downloading the most popular UIS data and indicators in tables. Data are organized in a tree view by topic and presented in a simple three-dimensional format (indicator, country or region, year). Users can build customized tables and export data in Excel.
Bulk Data Download Service is offered to developers and researchers, enabling them to make rich use of UIS dissemination data for their websites and applications.
UIS Brokerage
- The UIS takes the lead in brokering solutions that serve global, regional and national monitoring and strengthen the capacities of countries to produce and use high-quality statistics. Through information sharing, networking and coordination of support, the UIS guides donors and countries’ investment and works with recipients and donors to produce more integrated, better quality, cost-effective and timely statistical data for education.
The TCG on the Indicators for SDG 4 – Education 2030, for which the UIS fulfils the secretariat function, works to finalize indicator methodologies for all SDG 4 targets, increasing the number of indicators reported from 29 in 2017 to 43 in 2021. The TCG’s five working groups make recommendations on various aspects of SDG 4 measuring, evaluating and reporting. The TCG serves as the platform for Member States and education stakeholders to refine and develop the indicator framework while forging the consensus needed to mobilize efforts to address measurement challenges.
With guidance from the UIS Secretariat, GAML task forces address technical issues and provide practical guidance for countries on how to monitor progress on learning outcome-related indicators. Through a highly collaborative approach involving a broad range of stakeholders, GAML builds consensus on international reporting and measurement of education indicators and develops methodological standards, guidelines and tools to support countries and ensure global data comparability.
- SDG 4 benchmarking
Developing indicators and tool to assess progress towards SDG 4 remains central to the UIS mandate. Work on the adoption of SDG 4 regional benchmarks and national commitments started in August 2019 when the TCG endorsed seven SDG 4 indicators for benchmarking. The regional benchmarks process was successfully completed in 2021 through collaboration between UNESCO, regional organizations and Member States. Regions have their own frameworks to set, monitor and report on SDGs, and regional organizations with an education agenda can add indicators they wish to benchmark at the regional level. As the final step, for each of the seven global and thematic benchmark indicators, countries were invited to submit their national benchmark values for 2025 and 2030. By the end of October 2021, national benchmark values had been submitted by 39% of countries, and many more countries had committed to regional targets or to submitting templates in the coming months.
UIS Key Products
- Besides producing much needed high-quality data, as part of its core mandate the UIS provides:
- Efficient and cost-effective solutions and methodologies to respond to SDG data needs and emerging issues
- Guidance and support to countries and partners to produce and use data for policy-making
- Access to data and analysis to foster and enable informed decision-making on all levels
UIS Special Products
- In response to SDG data needs and emerging issues, several projects, aligned with the UIS results framework, are implemented with the designated support of donors and technical partners.
Some of our special projects

Monitoring national response to school closure

Monitoring Covid impacts on learning outcomes

measuring Learning outcomes via policy-linking